I also remember that learning how to play Candy Land was a snap, something you’re about to discover for yourself.

Still, I do recall that it was a favored game before I was old enough to read or write, and the fact that new generations of kids are still thrilling to the brightly-colored board fills me with a sense of nostalgia. I remember being fascinated with the picture of Molasses Swamp as a child, although many of my other memories of Candy Land have dimmed over the decades. Several editions have been released over the years, and licensed versions have even been made for SpongeBob SquarePants, Dora the Explorer, and Winnie the Pooh. Four years later, it would be published by Milton Bradley and rapidly become the most popular board game of the decade. The first version of Candy Land was designed in 1945 by Eleanor Abbott, a California woman who was recovering from polio. As for the latter, you’re about to learn a bit more about one of the most popular children’s board games ever sold. If it’s the former, allow me to congratulate you on your advanced Internet skills. Or, two, you’re a parent with kids who fall into that age range. If you arrived at this page after conducting a Google search for “how to play Candy Land,” that likely means one of two things: One, you’re a child between the ages of three and seven.

The Candy Land Board Game Playing Candy Land